Tuesday, July 27, 2010

prime-time TV deals with teen baby boom

We don't have television, so I'm not up-to-date on popular culture. But I was very pleased to read in the paper that there's now a surge of shows that are tackling teen pregnancy and even abortion; and apparently, many of these shows do it in a nuanced, honest manner, acknowledging teenage sexuality and teenage pregnancy. While unfortunately, there are still vast cultural silences around contraception, abortion and homosexuality.
(Matt Lauria and Madison Burge in NBC's "Friday Night Lights")

On a somewhat related topic, I've since I first addressed the topic of children's sexuality and proper attire at the City pool, learned that while all kids need to wear either a swim diaper, swimsuit, swim trunk or bikini while they're in the pool, a top is not necessary. I was told it was ok for her to be naked if I was just changing her but if she was going into the water, she needed something on. I don't know if this means that I could keep her naked as long as she's out of the pool (a real long "change" period?) or not. Unfortunately she's not much fond of wearing just the bikini bottoms either (as opposed to a full swimsuit), but it may just be the frilly skirt that it has on it. In the meantime, I'm looking for a basic bikini bottom for her.


  1. I admire your not having a TV but "Friday Night Lights" is one of the small pleasures that makes my life worth living! ;) (Also "So You Think You Can Dance" and "Glee.")

    Seriously, though, FNL is extremely well written and deals with big issues in an authentic, thought-provoking way, across the board. Love it.

  2. p.s. We will be at the pool tomorrow a.m.! See you there?


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